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About Us


Cambridge School of Business and Technology (CSBT) is a modern, non-state post-secondary institute that focuses on addressing the needs of academia and industry. At CSBT, we believe in providing a holistic learning experience with a right balance of academic knowledge, relevant skills and competencies needed to thrive in today's dynamic world. We understand the importance of soft skills acquisition in addition to academic excellence. Therefore, our curriculum is designed to focus on developing these skills alongside subject-specific knowledge. This approach gives our students an advantage over their peers, as it prepares them for real-world challenges and enhances their employability. CSBT also values regional and cultural values, as we believe they play a significant role in shaping one's professional journey. Our educational programs are designed to incorporate these values, ensuring that our graduates are well-suited for potential positions within local and international reputable institutions and employers. Our commitment extends from the inception of a student's journey at CSBT through state-of-the-art facilities and parental affection. We strive to create an environment where every student as well as the staff feel supported and valued throughout their journey.

Our Vision

To empower students to achieve their academic and professional excellence while striving for our pinnacle achievement

Our Mission

To provide quality educational and professional qualifications that would cater to the needs of various industries and to produce scholars and self-motivated human resources to the country.