CSBT Campus



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CSBT Campus Appeals Policy (2024)

The CSBT Campus Appeals Policy ensures a fair and transparent process for addressing concerns from students, staff, and stakeholders. It covers appeals related to academic, disciplinary, and admission decisions. Appeals must be submitted in writing within 10 working days and will be reviewed thoroughly. A final decision can be appealed to the Executive Director. The policy emphasizes confidentiality, fairness, and support for appellants. For more information, contact the Appeals Officer at hr@csbt.edu.lk or 031-212-1219.

CSBT Campus Assessment Policy (2024)

The CSBT Campus Assessment Policy outlines procedures for recruiting, enrolling, and assessing learners, including conducting exams and assignments. It aims to ensure fair and transparent processes, support struggling students, and uphold academic integrity. Key elements include detailed guidelines for application, registration, exam procedures, and assignment submissions. The policy also provides support for learners through targeted interventions and regular progress check-ins. This policy is reviewed annually for continuous improvement.

CSBT Campus Attendance Policy (2024)

The CSBT Campus Attendance Policy emphasizes the importance of regular attendance for academic success. It outlines procedures for recording attendance, managing absences, and addressing late arrivals. Students must attend at least 80% of classes to avoid consequences like warnings, probation, or failing grades. The policy covers attendance for in-person, online, and hybrid courses and provides support through academic advising and counseling. It is reviewed annually, with updates communicated to students and faculty.

CSBT Campus Complaint Policy (2024)

The CSBT Campus Complaint Policy ensures a fair, confidential, and transparent process for handling complaints about various aspects of campus life. It includes procedures for informal and formal complaints, investigation, and resolution. Complaints can be submitted in writing and will be acknowledged within five working days. If unresolved, complaints can be appealed to the Appeals Committee. The policy supports complainants, prevents retaliation, and is reviewed annually to improve effectiveness. For more details or to submit a complaint, contact Susil at susil@csbt.edu.lk or 0312121219.

CSBT Campus Conflict of Interest Policy (2024)

The CSBT Campus Conflict of Interest Policy aims to prevent conflicts between personal interests and professional duties. It applies to all campus members and requires disclosure of potential conflicts upon joining and annually thereafter. Conflicts are reviewed by a dedicated committee, and management strategies may include recusal or reassignment. The policy ensures confidentiality and prohibits retaliation against those who disclose conflicts. Regular training and monitoring are provided to uphold transparency and integrity. For inquiries or to disclose a conflict, contact Rukshana at rukshana@csbt.edu.lk or 0312121219.

CSBT Campus Data Protection and Storage Policy (2024)

The CSBT Campus Data Protection and Storage Policy ensures the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data. It applies to all campus members and contractors, specifying guidelines for data classification, handling, storage, and disposal. Key aspects include access control, encryption, and secure data transfer. Data retention periods are outlined for various records, aligning with Sri Lankan data protection laws. The policy mandates regular audits, staff training, and clear procedures for managing data breaches. For further information or to report issues, contact the Executive Director or IT Security.

CSBT Campus Malpractice Policy (2024)

The CSBT Campus Malpractice Policy ensures high standards of academic and professional integrity. It covers all forms of malpractice, including cheating, plagiarism, and falsification. The policy outlines procedures for reporting, investigating, and addressing malpractice, including confidentiality protections and disciplinary actions. It applies to students, faculty, staff, and associated individuals, promoting fairness and transparency. Regular training, support for reporters, and annual policy reviews are integral to maintaining a commitment to ethical conduct and preventing misconduct.

CSBT Campus Refund Policy (2024)

The CSBT Campus Refund Policy details the conditions and procedures for obtaining a refund after withdrawing from a course. Refunds are based on the timing of withdrawal, with varying percentages returned depending on when the withdrawal occurs relative to the course start date. Certain fees, like registration and administrative fees, are non-refundable. The process involves submitting a written request, with refunds processed within 30 days using the original payment method. Special circumstances, such as medical emergencies, may warrant exceptions. Students can appeal denied refund requests, and the policy is subject to changes communicated through official channels.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy (2024)

The RPL Policy at CSBT Campus recognizes and accredits prior learning from formal education, informal training, and work experience. It aims to provide students with credit for their previous knowledge and skills, reducing redundancy and supporting lifelong learning. The policy includes a clear application process, eligibility criteria, and documentation requirements. RPL can be granted for formal, informal, and non-formal learning. The process involves an initial inquiry, application submission, evidence assessment, outcome notification, and an appeals process. The policy emphasizes fairness, transparency, and quality assurance.

Student Induction Policy and Procedure (2024)

The CSBT Campus Refund Policy details the conditions and procedures for obtaining a refund after withdrawing from a course. Refunds are based on the timing of withdrawal, with varying percentages returned depending on when the withdrawal occurs relative to the course start date. Certain fees, like registration and administrative fees, are non-refundable. The process involves submitting a written request, with refunds processed within 30 days using the original payment method. Special circumstances, such as medical emergencies, may warrant exceptions. Students can appeal denied refund requests, and the policy is subject to changes communicated through official channels.